The Felix Moment Power Trio's album, Penny For A Bean, is a well-crafted piece of work that showcases the band's musical prowess. The album is a blend of blues, rock, and jazz, which is a testament to the band's versatility. The trio's instrumentation is tight, and the songs are well-arranged. The album's production quality is top-notch and does justice to the band's sound.
The album's standout tracks include "Penny For A Bean," "Ghosts of the Blues," and "Take Me Home." "Penny For A Bean" is a catchy tune with a groovy bassline, and the guitar solo is impressive. "Ghosts of the Blues" is a soulful number that showcases the band's bluesy side. "Take Me Home" is a ballad that features a beautiful guitar solo and heartfelt lyrics.
The trio's musicianship is impressive, and each member contributes to the album's overall sound. Felix Moment's guitar playing is impeccable, and his solos are a highlight of the album. The rhythm section, consisting of bassist Tom Smith and drummer Dave Johnson, provides a solid foundation for the songs.